Thursday, December 12, 2013

I've tried to write another piece for this blog ever since I posted the first, and I feel so lost on what to say. They say that if you just sit down and start writing, the words will eventually come to you. Well, here I am; writing! I am still not too sure what I should be saying.

I thought I might write about my fears and anxiety that seem to accompany me while I plan this trip. I keep trying to reassure myself that, while they may continue to grow as my departure date draws near, they should dwindle and fade away the moment I set foot on the plane... I hope so anyways. I've gone backpacking before, travel is not something that is new to me. This trip, however, is the biggest I've chosen to go on. Circumnavigation aside, I am going to some places that I know are going to blow my mind from a cultural and historic standpoint. I am heading around the world to try to do what I can to help people who need it. Every time I wake up in the middle of the night, heart pounding with an unshakable and apprehensive tension, I remind myself of that. I remind myself of the fact that it's good to be afraid.

My fear is a condition of the comfort and safety of the world in which I was raised. I'm scared because 'What if I don't have enough while I'm gone' keeps racing through my mind. I'm almost angry with myself that I'm letting an undefined monetary price point torture me the way it does. I am scared of what happens when I get back; I am scared of where I put my things; I am scared I might lose out on something; I am scared of being scared.

And in those frightful moments of sweat soaked panic, that reminder in my heart sets in so deeply and such a resounding calm washes over me. I am travelling so I can see the World. I am travelling to try to help at least one person. I am travelling to try to help myself. I am travelling for the right reasons, and I know it will all work out.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Friday, November 8, 2013

Starting points

Growing up, my parents had always instilled a strong sense of sympathy in me for those less fortunate than our family. We weren't rich, but we never wanted for our basic necessities; we had a roof over our heads, groceries in the fridge, heat and running water as well as the occasional luxury to lighten the burden of middle class boredom. We were a (fairly) typical middle class, suburban family. I remember, at a rather young age that I saw this trend of disparity and suffering in the World around me and I didn't like it. I didn't like the way it made me feel. I didn't like knowing that I could choose what I wanted while others couldn't even have what they need. I didn't like feeling too full to finish a plate of dinner when there were people on the streets who would do anything for the scraps left on my plate. I didn't like not knowing how to help; so I started trying to.

I did what I could, when I could and jumped at the opportunity to help out with school programs and different things with Cubs and Scouts. Sometimes I got the itch to do more and would organize my own fundraisers for different people in need. The desire to help never went away, and my sympathy for those in need only grew with age. Unfortunately, I let the chaos of life get in the way of my drive for charity over the last few years. I hate to admit it, but I always come up with this excuse, or that reason, or some other obligation that kept me from getting more involved than I was.

Well, no more excuses. I've made the decision to dedicate a larger portion of my time and energy trying to serve others and help them with a hand up and not a hand out. I try to approach charity in a different way, and love that I've found people who view it with a similar mind and an open heart. Helping people help themselves, and empowering those in need to redirect their lives in a positive direction.

My current project that I am fundraising my way towards, is spending a month or so in Rwanda. I will be volunteering with an organization called P.R.E.F.E.R. (Poverty reduction, education, family empowerment in Rwanda). I will be helping out at the preschool and with other little projects that they will be working on in the new year. I can't begin to express how enthusiastic I feel about this, and hope you'll follow along as I prepare and eventually make my way to Kigali!

More to come!

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